Honoring International Self-Care Day with YMHC Resources

Honoring International Self-Care Day with YMHC Resources

In 2024, International Self-Care Day falls on July 24. This day is meant to highlight self-care as a fundamental basis for wellness. 

People worldwide are urged on this day to give their health top priority and include self-care routines into their everyday lives. Maintaining overall health and wellness requires self-care—whether it be physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, or otherwise. 

The History of International Self-Care Day

International Self-Care Day was established by the UK based organization International Self-Care Foundation (ISF) in 2011. The intention behind the founding of this day was to spread awareness for the positives impact engaging in self-care can have on each of us. 

July 24th when written in the format by the day and month looks like 24/7. For this reason, this date was specifically chosen to symbolize that you can experience the benefits of self-care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

Since its founding more than a decade ago, this day has been recognized on July 24th of every year.

What is Self-Care?

Self-care involves choosing activities and making decisions to improve your emotional, psychological, and physical state. It can be as simple as ensuring you get enough sleep, following a healthy diet, spending time with loved ones, or taking daily walks. 

Self-care helps maintain a healthy lifestyle, manage stress, and boost your mood.

Here are some self-care pursuits:

  • Get daily exercise: Choose a physical activity you enjoy or go for a thirty-minute walk.
  • Eat healthily and stay hydrated: To maintain your energy, drink enough water and eat balanced meals.
  • Keep up a consistent sleep pattern: Ensure you get adequate rest and avoid screen time right before bed.
  • Try leisurely pursuits: Engage in journaling, guided meditations, or breathing exercises.
  • Surround yourself with loved ones: Spend time with friends or family for emotional support.
  • Practice gratitude: Keep a gratitude journal and reflect on the positive aspects of your life.

Forms of Self-Care

  1. Physical Self-Care: Activities that enhance physical health, such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, and enough sleep.
  2. Mental Self-Care: Activities that keep your mind sharp, like reading, developing new skills, and practicing mindfulness.
  3. Emotional Self-Care: Activities that help you manage and express your emotions, such as journaling, talking to a friend, or pursuing hobbies.
  4. Social Self-Care: Emphasizes preserving and strengthening close relationships with others.
  5. Environmental Self-Care: Involves creating an environment that is beneficial for your well-being. This can involve making your bed every morning or listening to calming music before bed. 
  • Financial Self-Care: Activities that cultivate a healthy relationship with money, including saving money, and using money apps. 
  • Recreational Self-Care: Activities that you do for fun, including spending time in nature and having a pamper day. 
  • Spiritual Self-Care: Activities that focus on nourishing your soul. These practices help you find your purpose by tapping into your inner strengths. You can engage in this through dreaming, yoga, or going to a place of worship. 

Tips on Self-Care for Young People

  1. Get enough sleep: Aim for eight to ten hours of sleep per night for optimal health and functioning. Developing a regular nighttime routine and schedule will help improve the quality of sleep.
  2. Eat a balanced, healthy diet: Emphasize including lean proteins, whole grains, and a variety of fruits and vegetables. Aim for at least thirty different plant-based whole foods a week for the best physical and mental health.
  3. Exercise regularly: Strive for at least sixty minutes of vigorous daily activity. Benefits include reduced disease risk, improved confidence and concentration, and decreased aggression. Making exercise fun through activities like sports, dancing, or walking can make it more sustainable.
  4. Practice stress management techniques: Deep breathing, guided visualization, meditation, yoga, and journaling are great methods to unwind and manage stress.
  5. Engage in hobbies and creative activities: Drawing, painting, crafts, music, and other artistic endeavors can be wonderful means of self-expression and stress relief.
  6. Spend time in nature: Walking or hiking outside can help you relax and unwind.
  7. Connect with others: Building and maintaining good relationships with friends and family provides vital social support.
  8. Set boundaries: Learning to say no and establish limits is an important self-care skill.
  9. Express emotions in healthy ways: It is absolutely vital to have a safe, judgment-free space where you can discuss your emotions.
  10. Consider therapy or counseling: Professional help can be a valuable form of self-care, especially for those dealing with mental health issues.
  11. Limit social media use: Establishing boundaries around technology use can help reduce stress and enhance well-being.

The key is finding self-care activities that are enjoyable and sustainable for each individual teen. Parents can support this by encouraging healthy habits, providing resources, and modeling good self-care practices themselves.

Why is Self-Care Important?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 3.2 billion people worldwide currently lack access to essential health services. 

Self-care is a way to bridge these gaps in access. The WHO recommends self-care as a step towards achieving universal healthcare, promoting health, and keeping the world safe from various diseases.

The act of self-care alone can also benefit your overall well-being. 

There is research to show that engaging in regular self-care activities can:

  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Improve your mood
  • Improve your concentration levels
  • Minimize anger
  • Improve sleep quality
  • Increase energy 

Engaging in these activities on a regular basis can also reduce your risk of various illnesses, including heart disease, stroke, and cancer. 

Moreover, caring for yourself allows you to be able to take care of others as well. You have to put on your own oxygen mask before you can put on someone else’s. In a sense, self-care is a gateway to community care.

 YMHC Tools for Personal Improvement

Youth Mental Health Canada (YMHC) provides a range of materials to assist in your self-care journey. Here are some of their valuable tools and products:

  1. Coping with Stress - Printable Digital Booklet
    • Offers tools to recognize cognitive, emotional, and physical symptoms of stress and practical strategies to manage it.
    • Coping with Stress Booklet
  2. The Feelings Wheel - Printable Digital Booklet
    • Helps individuals explore and express their feelings through interactive activities, improving emotional literacy and self-awareness.
    • The Feelings Wheel Booklet
  3. Creating a Personal Mental Wellness Action Plan
  4. Sources of Strength for Mental Wellness
  5. Supporting Students with School Phobia: A Guidebook for Families and Schools
  6. Mental Wellness Workbook
    • Combines several workbooks into one, addressing sources of support, strength, and self-assessment for mental wellness.
    • Mental Wellness Workbook
  7. Resource Hub: A monthly resource for educators, families, and students to seek education and support surrounding various topics related to mental health and self-care. 

How to Get Started with Self-Care

Start small and find what works best for you. Incorporating these practices into your regular routine can improve your overall well-being. Here are some suggestions:

  • Exercise: Include enjoyable physical activities.
  • Hydrate and eat well: Ensure you’re drinking enough water and eating nutritious meals.
  • Sleep: Establish a consistent sleep pattern.
  • Relaxation: Try yoga, deep breathing, or journaling.
  • Connect: Spend time with friends and family.
  • Practice gratitude: Reflect on the positive aspects of your life.


International Self-Care Day is a reminder to prioritize our well-being every day. By incorporating self-care into our daily routines, we can enhance our emotional, mental, and physical health, making us better equipped to handle life’s challenges. YMHC’s resources provide valuable support for your self-care journey. Take the first step towards better self-care today!

For more materials and information, visit YMHC’s Digital Workbooks and Guidebooks page.


[1] https://kidshelpline.com.au/teens/issues/self-care

[2] https://www.healthychildren.org/English/healthy-living/emotional-wellness/Building-Resilience/Pages/healthy-self-care-for-teens-how-families-can-help.aspx

[3] https://mentalhealthcenterkids.com/blogs/articles/self-care-for-teens

[4] https://moodle8.camhx.ca/moodle/mod/book/view.php?chapterid=451&id=189

[5] https://www.charliehealth.com/post/empowering-teens-with-self-care



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