YMHC Professional Workshops and Training Courses

YMHC Professional Workshops and Training Courses

YMHC provides specialized training for education and mental health professionals. These workshops and courses focus on equipping professionals with the skills and strategies needed to support student mental wellness effectively. Our professional training covers essential aspects of student mental health, including school-wide strategies and understanding and responding to chronic school absenteeism issues.

Virtual Workshop Fees:

  • $700 for one-hour
  • $1400 for two-hours
  • $2000 for three-hours

In-Person Workshops:

  • Base price plus personal time
    • One hour: $1,000
    • Two hours: $2,000
    • Three hours: $3,000

Plus, travel, accommodation, and other speaker fees. Please contact us to discuss the details.


Travel and Lodging Expenses (In-person)

Our in-person workshop planning process includes an estimation of travel and lodging expenses for our speakers.

Travel costs comprise air travel or ground transportation, depending on the event's location. Lodging costs are based on the hotel rate.

We may use the mileage at a rate equal to the CRA per-kilometer allowance and two meals per day.

Please contact us to coordinate.


Popular Professional Workshops Include:

  • School-Wide Strategies to Support Student Wellness
  • School-Wide Strategies to Support Students with School Phobia, Avoidance, and Chronic Absenteeism
  • Understanding Chronic School Absenteeism
  • Building Sources of Strength and Resilience
  • Mental Wellness Protective Factors: Building Sources of Support

Training Course:

  • Virtual 15-hour Course: $10,000

YMHC provides a 15-hour training course on school phobia, avoidance, and chronic absenteeism for school boards and districts. The course will include a comprehensive assignment package, a certificate on completion of the course and assignments, and a photocopiable guidebook for the designated school or workplace. The virtual course is limited to a maximum of 20 participants. 

Workshop and Course Booking Process:

  • Requests are managed on a first-come, first-served basis. Submit the request form at least two weeks before your preferred date.
  • A minimum of 10 participants is required.
  • For in-person workshops, hosts are responsible for managing event logistics including marketing, registration, and providing necessary AV equipment.

About YMHC’s Course Trainer: The trainer is a passionate educator known for inspiring change with her engaging, inspiring style and practical ideas and strategies. The trainer has taught elementary, secondary, postsecondary, and adult education students in Canada and Africa. With over 30 years of experience in education and mental health, the trainer has worked extensively on school phobia, avoidance, and absenteeism issues. 

Before her work on school phobia, avoidance, and absenteeism, she coordinated Stay-in-School programs to focus on “drop-out students”, by making education meaningful and relevant to the lives of students.

To book a workshop, fill out the request form or contact us to coordinate.