YMHC Parent/Family Workshops

YMHC Parent/Family Workshops

Invite your school's parent and family community to join you in promoting mental health wellness and success at school by hosting a virtual parent/family workshop. Research shows that parental and family involvement and engagement in a child's school experience greatly increases their chances for academic success, positive mental health and wellness, higher self-esteem, and greater motivation. Parents/families are key sources of information about their children. They are their child's first teachers and have key strengths and insights that can contribute to the educational process.

Workshop Fees:

  • $500 per hour

Special Offer:

  • 20 print Sources of Support and a one-hour virtual workshop for parents/caregivers/families: $700 (a savings of more than $300) 

Popular Parent/Family Workshops Include:

  • Supporting Your Child's Mental Wellness: Creating a Wellness Action Plan
  • Proactive Ways to Support Your Child's Mental Health and Well-being

Key Themes for Workshops:

  • Self-Care Strategies: Building a Self-Care Toolkit, Stress Management, and Self-Care Strategies
  • Self and Emotional Awareness:  Building Mental Wellness Factors, The Feelings Wheel
  • Mental Health and Wellness Awareness: Anxiety 101, My Amazing Brain, Understanding and Managing Mental Health Challenges, Youth Mental Health First Aid
  • Community Care: Building Support Networks and Help-Seeking Strategies 
  • Education System: Navigating the Education System, Creating an Education Support Team 

Workshop Booking Process:

  • Requests are handled on a first-come, first-served basis. Submit the request form at least two weeks before the desired date.
  • A minimum of 10 participants is required. For smaller groups, consider combining efforts or providing incentives for workshop participation, including a gift of the print mental wellness workbook, Sources of Support.

To book a workshop, fill out the request form or contact us to coordinate.

There are no in-person workshops for parents/families. All workshops and presentations are virtual.