YMH Consulting
Beneath the Surface (2nd Edition)
Beneath the Surface (2nd Edition)
This creative journal workbook includes:
Building self-awareness: self- exploration
The Iceberg Theory
Beneath the Surface of emotional icebergs
Dialectical Behavior Therapy activities on Wise Mind and problem-solving
Understanding what is going on beneath the surface of talk therapy, cultural identity and achieving success
Cognitive Behavior Therapy infused activities
Self-care strategies
About the Author:
Sheryl Boswell is an educator and has taught elementary, secondary, post-secondary, and adult education students in Canada and Africa. She is a suicide loss survivor, a child and youth mental health expert, and the Executive Director of Youth Mental Health Canada (YMHC). A percentage of the proceeds from the sale of all educational resources go to YMHC.
About Youth Mental Health Canada:
Youth Mental Health Canada is a grassroots, community-based, youth-led, and driven charitable non-profit organization focused on education, support, and advocacy.
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Other Purchase Options: This book is available in digital format (ebooks), and a photocopiable licence is available for purchase by schools and other organisations, allowing for unlimited photocopies within the organisation at the same mailing addresses.
This workbook is also available in a digital format as a PDF file at a reduced price. If you need to distribute and share it within your organization or school, you can purchase a digital photocopiable license. Explore our digital workbooks collection and photocopiable collection and learn about their differences here.
Also available in digital or printable formats and in other languages!
"The mental wellness workbook has been a literal lifesaver for me. I've been using these books in my therapy sessions with my therapist. We created a mental wellness action plan and safety plan using these books and all the various coping activities and items in them. Many of the dialectical and cognitive behavioral therapy techniques I've never even tried before, even though I have a psychology degree myself. This is exactly what 1 look for in the resources I get-uniqueness. They are so unique and you can personalize them to your needs. I wish I knew about these even sooner. I've been in therapy for 6 years and this has been the most helpful resource so far that myself and my therapist have worked together through. I also got a notebook, an animal pun t-shirt, and a monthly resource subscription service and they are all fantastic!! l'm happy to have access to these resources to take care of my mental health and they are so affordable. Only $24.99/month for a boat load of resources and support."