School Phobia

School Phobia and Exclusion
YMHC provided the first nation-wide research on school phobia and chronic absenteeism with a survey that was launched in 2019. YMHC will be providing a follow-up to the first survey with a post-COVID school phobia and chronic absenteeism survey led by a team of professionals, students, families, and community members.
Survey Study on School Phobia and Exclusion
Youth Mental Health Canada conducted a survey study across the country in 2019 and 2020 focusing on students’ experiences with school phobia which resulted in their avoidance of school and chronic absenteeism from school. Here is what we found.
Stories of School Phobia and Exclusion
Representing the experiences of over 519 families with youth aged 10 years old and up, we tell the stories of school phobia and chronic absenteeism across Canada.
These interactive school phobia workshops help participants develop skills and strategies, obtain information and resources, and improve their understanding of school phobia and mental health disabilities.
Download resources for students, parents and school staff. Resources includes assessment forms, support plans and action plans for helping students with school phobia; as well as infographics to promote awareness.