Empowering Canada's Chinese-Speaking Community: YMHC Launches Mental Health Workbook in Chinese

Youth Mental Health Canada (YMHC) is proud to announce the launch of our signature mental health resource, "Beneath the Surface: A Creative Journaling Workbook (2nd Edition)" in Chinese. This marks the first time YMHC has released a book in Chinese, aiming to better serve the Chinese-speaking community in Canada by providing them with interactive tools and resources specifically designed to improve mental health and wellness.

About the Workbook

"Beneath the Surface: A Creative Journaling Workbook (2nd Edition)" is an evidence-based, strength-and-hope-filled interactive mental health workbook. It is designed to help readers delve deep into their inner world, gaining mastery over their health, well-being, education, life, and future. Through creative journaling exercises, the workbook guides readers in expressing, reflecting, and understanding themselves and their emotions, and exploring deeper issues related to mental health and well-being.

The content covers hands-on activities in self-awareness, the iceberg theory, dialectical behavior therapy activities on wise mind and problem-solving, understanding what goes on beneath the surface of talk therapy, cultural identity, achieving success, cognitive behavior therapy infused activities, and self-care strategies. Authored by Sheryl Boswell, leveraging her extensive experience in education and mental health, the workbook provides readers with a set of practical tools and strategies for building sources of support, strength, and resilience.

Why a Chinese Edition?

In today's globalized world, language should not be a barrier to accessing mental health and wellness resources. YMHC is committed to breaking down this barrier, by providing culturally sensitive multilingual resources. The launch of the Chinese edition not only makes this valuable resource more accessible but also reflects our commitment to cultural diversity and inclusivity.

Digital and Institutional Versions

To meet the varying needs of individuals and organizations, "Beneath the Surface: A Creative Journaling Workbook (2nd Edition)" is available in two formats:

  • Digital Edition for Individuals: Features interactive fillable fields for personal online use and reflection.
  • Institutional Edition: Grants schools, community organizations, and businesses the right to unlimited printing and distribution within their community, enabling wider sharing and use.

Supporting YMHC

By purchasing this book, you're not only acquiring a valuable resource for yourself or your organization but also supporting YMHC's mission to enhance the mental health education and welfare of young people. A portion of the sales from this book will be directly donated to YMHC to support our mental health education, support, and advocacy work across Canada.

We encourage individuals and organizations to explore the reproducible license options available on our website, allowing for the lawful sharing of this book's content and further promoting mental health awareness and education.


In these challenging times, understanding and caring for one's mental health is more important than ever. The launch of the Chinese edition of "Beneath the Surface: A Creative Journaling Workbook (2nd Edition)" marks a significant step forward for YMHC in promoting mental health literacy and education. We invite the Chinese community in Canada, Chinese Canadians, and any individuals or organizations interested in mental health education to explore this insightful and inspiring workbook.

Visit the YMHC website for more information and to get your copy. Let's dive beneath the surface together, discover ourselves, and build a healthier, more inclusive, and hopeful future.
