Youth Mental Health Canada
2024 Back-to-School Special: YMHC Tote Bag & Sources of Support for Mental Wellness (1st Edition)
2024 Back-to-School Special: YMHC Tote Bag & Sources of Support for Mental Wellness (1st Edition)
Get ready for the new school year with our exclusive Back-to-School Special! This bundle includes a durable and stylish YMHC tote bag, perfect for carrying all your essentials, along with the "Sources of Support for Mental Wellness" (1st Edition) booklet.
The booklet provides valuable insights and strategies to support mental wellness, including how to access school and community mental health resources, create a personalized mental wellness safety plan, and build self-awareness. This combination offers both a practical accessory and a vital resource to support your mental health journey through the school year.
Bundle includes:
- YMHC Tote Bag
- "Sources of Support for Mental Wellness" (1st Edition) booklet
Equip yourself with the tools and resources you need to start the school year strong, both physically and mentally.
About the Author:
Sheryl Boswell is an educator and has taught elementary, secondary, post-secondary, and adult education students in Canada and Africa. She is a suicide loss survivor, a child and youth mental health expert, and the Executive Director of Youth Mental Health Canada (YMHC). A percentage of the proceeds from the sale of all educational resources go to YMHC.
About Youth Mental Health Canada:
Youth Mental Health Canada is a grassroots, community-based, youth-led, and driven charitable non-profit organization focused on education, support, and advocacy.
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Other Purchase Options: This book is available in digital format (ebooks), and a photocopiable licence is available for purchase by schools and other organisations, allowing for unlimited photocopies within the organisation at the same mailing addresses.
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